Dragon Naturallyspeaking 12 Serial Number Crack
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Dragon Naturallyspeaking 12
Please input captcha to take your serial number. View in text. Similar activation keys. Feb 11, 2015 - Learn how to decode your Dragon Naturally Speaking serial number, for Windows or Mac OS X, and find out which version and edition of the.
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As a digital rights management security measure, Dragon NaturallySpeaking (DNS) requires that you enter a unique serial code before you can begin using it. Nuance, the publisher of Dragon NaturallySpeaking, sends out an email message that contains a serial number after your DNS purchase. If you want to reinstall Dragon NaturallySpeaking at a later time but cannot find the email containing the serial number, you can either find it online using your Dragon NaturallySpeaking order number or locate it within your DNS About screen or installation directory.
Check DNS About Screen
You can find your Dragon NaturallySpeaking serial code by checking the About screen of your DNS installation. Open Dragon NaturallySpeaking, right-click the DNS icon on the system tray, point to 'Help' and then click 'About NaturallySpeaking.' The splash screen that displays should list your DNS serial code. Click anywhere within the splash screen to exit it.
Check DNS Installation Folder
If you cannot access your Dragon NaturallySpeaking About screen due to corrupted installation files, you can check the DNS installation directory for your serial code. Visit the 'Program Files' or 'Program Files (x86)' folder on your system partition and then double-click the 'Nuance,' 'NaturallySpeaking12' and 'Ereg' folders. Double-click the file labeled 'Ereg.ini' and then check next to Ser_Num to find the serial code.
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Look Up Your Order Online
If you have your Dragon NaturallySpeaking order number stored in a secure place, visit the Look Up Your Order Web page on Nuance.com (link in Resources), and then insert your order number and the password that you created at the time of your DNS purchase. Click “Find” to get information regarding your Dragon NaturallySpeaking purchase, including its serial code.
Information in this article applies to Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12. It may vary slightly or significantly with other versions.
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About the Author
As an ardent tech fan, Andrew Meer loves writing about the latest in computer hardware and software. Since 2006, he has worked as a level designer and programmer for various video game companies. Meer holds a Bachelor of Science in game and simulation programming from DeVry University, California.
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- Hemera Technologies/AbleStock.com/Getty Images
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Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13 is currently the standard by which all speech-to-text applications and programs for Windows are compared to. Currently on its 13th edition for the past 17 years, it still retains its class of quality and performance. When speech recognition is brought up anywhere, NaturallySpeaking simultaneously answers to almost all concerns. This year, the company wants to introduce the 13th edition with new capabilities and features and also slashing the price from 200 USD last year to 100 USD.
Key Features of Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13
Here is a list of the improved features of NaturallySpeaking:
- Improved accuracy rate by up to 15%.
- The effective walkthrough is provided for basics.
- Fully supports mics that are built-in on the majority of laptops.
- Fast familiarization of basic features.
- Allows direct dictation to the most frequently used internet browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and the newer versions of Internet Explorer.

Dragon Naturallyspeaking
Improved Accuracy
Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13 crack has improved most of its speech-text recognition features. Words mispronounced or misread have been updated in its engine so the 15% improvement can really be measured and felt. On top of recognition accuracy, typing speed of the app has also been improved. Dragon really made an excellent effort in addressing this area of their application.
Built-in Mic Support
In previous releases, Dragon only supported external microphones in stands or in headsets. In its 13th release, built-in mics on laptops can be used. Although these microphones have lower quality than external ones, they can now be used with NaturallySpeaking. You also need not worry about having to speak directly into the mic piece. The app impressively recognizes the speech when you just casually speak in front of your laptop during use.
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Although drastically improved, Dragon has yet to perfect its minor editing procedures in its transcription. The system currently does not have easy ways to edit the transcription via voice command. This is common amongst speech-to-text applications and Dragon has more advantages over the other competitors in the market when it comes to voice command.
Getting Used to Speech-to-Text
There are professional transcriptionists that still find it hard to get used to only using speech recognition software to get their job done. This is a common barrier in this industry. People have been so used to typing manually on a keyboard to advance our trains of thought. It can be observed for example that most writers are able to produce more text in a typewriter or a traditional keyboard than on a virtual one and a speech-to-text engine. Unless you are reading a transcript, it can still be hard to write a poem using only this program.
Benefits of Speech Dictation
Although there are others who feel a bit hindered when using this technology, there are also others who are naturally in sync in pouring out their ideas and thoughts directly without using a transcribing medium such as a keyboard. Some say they are able to let their creativity roam wilder in this way. It also saves you a lot of time in transcribing what you want on paper or on screen than by manual typing.
- Webmail dictation is supported.
- Allows automation of various transcription commands.
- Typing speed and recognition accuracy improvement.
- The app directly scales typing speed from speech quality.
- Automatically detects language through media used.
- Guaranteed accuracy when using laptop microphones.
- Laptop microphones, smartphones, and digital recorders now supported.
- Mastery of app takes a long time.
- Errors arise in installation and setup.
- Speech skills are a must to ensure quality
- Voice commands up for more improvement.
- Listening issues occurs occasionally.
- Transcription automation is still under works.
- Currently on the expensive end of the market.
- Internet Explorer is preferred than Google Chrome.
Opening prayer song. Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13 crack is, without a doubt, the best speech-to-text software in the market and there is definitely no question on this behalf, but there are two sides to everything. The sheer accuracy of the recognition and the speed of transcription outclass the competition. The 13th release improved these features so this is definitely a powerhouse. Voice commands are promising but need further improvement. This is a worthy investment for those who need clean and efficient transcriptions in their industries.